Newbie Experience Struggle I had to face while learning .NET

      I always had this seamlessly difficult task of writing first blog post.


Why this is so hard ?????
Myself (Running away)

      So basically let me tell you how I got into .NET and how it changed me both as developer and as person.

      So one of my friend, who is really obsessed with Microsoft, asked me to shift from Open source technologies (PHP which i was associated with at that time) to
First I was hesitant, as I recall it was hard for me, to embrace Microsoft, I don't know why I never liked Microsoft despite using Windows on daily basis.Also I never used C#, I was more of C/C++ guy.I also disliked Java because of Suppress Warning and Deprecated API etc stuff that I had to deal with while programming in Java.

    While I was not aware of what's in future for me, I decided to challenge myself, to learn something I was not completely comfortable with. C# turn out to be great challenge for me.I understood the problem that I had, It was with Object Orientated Programming.

    I am still struggling with Object Orientated Thinking, it is still difficult for me to totally  grasp every aspect of OOPs but still I put fight everyday. I was getting depressed a lot, because this was first time I had to deal with such kind failure that I never used to in my college life.I used to be pretty quick about what everything meant and how everything fits together.My classmates used to struggle a lot, at that time I thought why everybody think this stuff is difficult, I used to enjoy my lessons and practicals a lot, Damn I was good at them.

     When this happened with me, I was for the first time in my life felt vulnerable to my passion, I felt I was fooling myself with delusions that I am Good at Programming. My friends still consider me better programmer but now I know reality.So after lot of struggle and motivation from friends and Youtube :D , I was able to stand up again and picked that task once again, and this time I said to myself whatever happens I won't quit and I wont stop till I get there.

       More than 2 months passed and I started to see big picture , but only small piece of it.I was so happy that I finally able to see what was happening and how this is working.
Those two months were turn out to be very helpful and the patience that I needed to learn I got that from those 2 months.

Most importantly what I learnt from those days, which I think now more important was that Patience and Persistence are key to Success.

Now now, there is still more to this but until then Chao :) 

